Villa Jerada

Villa Jerada Aleppo Pepper

Regular price $12.95

Fruity, subtly cumin flavored and only moderately spicy, coarse-ground Aleppo pepper is used throughout Middle Eastern cooking. We use it frequently and consider it a valuable flavoring for all manner of dishes that benefit from a little spark of heat. Villa Jerada’s sourcing is impeccable as these flakes are particularly moist and richly flavored.

Aleppo Pepper

Net weight: 60 grams
Place of Origin: Morocco

Dust this fruity chili over soups or roasted vegetables, or heat a spoonful in oil until bubbling for a quick flavored (and beautifully colored) oil to use as a finishing drizzle over soups, stews, salads, beans—you name it. You can also use Aleppo chili in place of regular chili flakes for extra depth of flavor, or for a slightly milder dish.

Villa Jerada Aleppo Pepper

Regular price $12.95

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