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Verve Culture

Villa Real Hot Chocolate with Vanilla

Regular price $17.95
$15.26 Store Member (15% OFF)

This hot chocolate has only a few raw ingredients, yet the beverage has a wonderful depth and warmth, as well as a complex flavor: creamy, nutty and perfectly balanced between bitter and sweet. The addition of ground almonds makes for a silkier, buttery mouthfeel, especially if you whisk the milk constantly while heating it; this allows the nutty aroma of the almonds to permeate the drink for a richer sensation and fullness of flavor. The vanilla's pronounced aroma—paired with a greater percentage of cocoa—produces a comforting, familiar flavor profile that reminds us of high-quality milk chocolate. And cinnamon, a defining feature of Mexican hot chocolate, is an ideal complement for cacao's bitter undertones, as its spicy aroma brightens hot chocolate while its floral accents match those in the drink.

Cocoa butter, almonds, pecans, cinnamon, vanilla, sugar

Net Weight: 250 grams
Includes: 5 discs
Place of Origin: Oaxaca, Mexico

Villa Real Hot Chocolate with Vanilla

Regular price $17.95
$15.26Store Member

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