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Rancho Gordo

Rancho Gordo Domingo Rojo Beans

Regular price $9.95

More diminutive than common kidney beans, these small to medium size red beans from Napa, California, have a soft and silky texture and deep, sweetish bean flavor. They’re a great choice for New Orleans Red Beans and Rice and a staple for many Caribbean cuisines. Domingo Rojo Beans really hold their shape when cooked, and the thick bean broth they give off enriches any sauce that coats rice and noodles. All of Rancho Gordo’s beans stand out due to their high quality, as they are sold fresher than most dried beans that can sit on the supermarket shelf for years. We especially like Rancho Gordo, as they’ve made it a priority to preserve culinary traditions and re-introduce indigenous beans from the Americas to the U.S. marketplac

Domingo Rojo Beans

Net Weight: 1 pound
Place of Origin: USA

Ideal for red beans and rice, soups, pot beans, salads, chili, dips, casseroles, or try with our Coconut Rice with Red Beans and Scallions.

​Use 1½ cups cooked beans for recipes that call for one 15-ounce can of beans.

Rancho Gordo Domingo Rojo Beans

Regular price $9.95
Rancho Gordo’s dried beans cook faster and taste better because they’re fresher.

Rancho Gordo’s dried beans cook faster and taste better because they’re fresher.

All their heirloom bean varieties are harvested, dried and sold within a year, which is much shorter than most dried beans in the supermarket beans. Many brands can languish on the shelf for years before they make it into your kitchen. That means beans that cook consistently and have a more intense flavor.

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