An ingenious blend of dried soy sauce, salt, pepper, garlic and an array of spices, this versatile seasoning amplifies the flavors of meats, fish and vegetables. We reach for it when we want the hit of salt and savoriness that soy sauce provides, without adding a wet ingredient to a dish. Produced in Japan by a revered shoyu manufacturer that traces its roots back to the 1700s, the seasoning starts with a soy sauce base, but its bright salinity is balanced with warm spices like paprika and turmeric. The overall effect is pleasantly salty, with tangy, peppery and vegetal notes. Try it to elevate French fries and popcorn, to enrich sauces, flavor steaks and short ribs, season crispy tofu or bring depth to fried dishes. The bottle’s compact size means you can easily take it on the go, ideal for barbecues, picnics, camping meals and even lunch boxes.